Thursday, January 14, 2010

How We Can Help in Haiti

Through the giving & support of its members and congregations, the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) does great things on behalf of people in need, both here in the US & around the world. We partner with other churches and agencies in other countries to address immediate issues brought on by natural disasters, as well as working towards the eradication of poverty and the problems that come with it, so that in the long term, people will be able to stand on their own.

Because of these partnerships and relationships, the ELCA already has people on the ground in Haiti, working through the Lutheran World Federation. Haiti was already in dire need before this most recent earthquake hit Port-au-Prince, and this just exacerbates the problems.

As dire as the situation is, there are things you can do to help. First and foremost, I ask all of you to pray for the people & government of Haiti, as well as for all of those who work to assist those in need. Also, there are several seminarians there, some from my own alma mater, Trinity Lutheran Seminary - who were there for a J-term class - and others working in mission there who were from Wartburg Seminary. As far as I am aware, the Trinity students were in Jacmel (about 100 miles from Port-au-Prince). All survived and are fine. However, one of the students from Wartburg, Ben Larson, died. His wife and cousin were also in Port-au-Prince and survived the earthquake. Please hold them in prayer, along with Ben's parents and extended family as they grieve, as you do all those who lost someone and those who are still waiting for news.

Secondly, if you are able, I encourage you to consider making a donation toward the relief efforts. There are several reputable agencies out there; I suggest donating through the ELCA's Disaster Response ministry. Because they were already at work there & have staff in place, there is no start-up or overhead cost associated with this new phase of work, and they will use 100% of donations (earmarked for Haiti) to benefit the people of Haiti. 100% - it means that every penny you give will help people in need. It really can't get better than that, & is why I recommend using our own national church body's program to donate.

Below is the link to Presiding Bishop Hanson's statement detailing the ELCA's response to the situation in Haiti. It also contains a link to a page with information on how you can give, if you choose to do so. Thanks!

Messages and Statements - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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