Tuesday, February 11, 2020

January 19, 2020 - Jesus Invites Us In to Keep Listening - Mark 4:1-34

Jesus Invites Us In to Keep Listening
Epiphany + 2 – January 16/19, 2020
Parables in Mark

Me as kind of kid who felt like I needed to know everything
·     Embarrassed if I didn’t know or understand something right away
·     So, someone would try to teach me something or help me with something I was struggling with and I would immediately retort, “I know!”
o  Some vulnerability in admitting I didn’t know everything right out of the gate; who knows why
·     Would have taken Jesus’ words to his disciples after this (1st) parable as rebuke: “Do you not understand this parable?” Uh… is it supposed to be obvious, Jesus?

Jesus teaches parables that seem easy to understand, but are really not quite what they may seem on the surface
·     See this in the first parable of Mark 4 with the story of the sower and the seed and the soils
·     We tend to be quick to think we understand what is going on here
o  Hear these words as cautionary tale about becoming better soil where the word can take root and grow
·     Wasn’t so obvious to the disciples – because they asked Jesus about the parable once they were alone with him (maybe they didn’t want to make their lack of understanding known to everyone in the crowd – I get it!)
·     And Mark has Jesus explain it (it’s possible that Mark is putting his interpretation in Jesus’ mouth) – but even with the explanation, there are questions to be wrestled with.
o  Who is the sower? (God, Jesus, us??)
o  Is the soil to be blamed for being a trampled, packed-down path? Or for being rocky? Or there being thorns where some of the seed landed?
o  Shouldn’t the farmer have done a better job preparing the soil to receive the seed before just throwing it around willy nilly? Or at least have paid better attention and been more careful about where he or she planted?
·     “Let anyone with ears to hear listen!” Jesus cries out

We live in an age where lots of people want the clear/black & white answer or explanation
·     Think that faith should be straightforward and obvious to everyone
·     Like my dad once asked me when I was working on an in-depth paper on a biblical passage – one that was supposed to explore the meanings of the original Greek words and the historical context when it was written and connections to other biblical passages and so and so forth – “Doesn’t it just mean what it says on the surface?”
o  Not exactly
·     And we come to these parables, which have these common agricultural or household references and we think that we should just be able to figure them out, or maybe we do think that we’ve figured them out
o  We may be like me as a kid, thinking that we’re supposed to be able to figure them out, and feeling embarrassed or reluctant to admit that maybe these stories are more complicated than they seem at first glance…
·     Especially when we hear Jesus quoting the book of Isaiah (ch. 6): “but for those outside, everything comes in parable, in order that ‘they may indeed look, but not perceive, and may indeed listen, but not understand…’”
o  So if we don’t get it, we’re on the outside?

Jesus continues to invite his followers in to listen
·     Over and over in Mark’s gospel, we will see not just the crowds, but Jesus’ closest followers who don’t get it
·     And yet they stick with Jesus
o  They ask questions
o  They listen
o  They pay attention
o  They don’t give up – they are teachable, open, willing to admit they don’t get it all
·     And Jesus doesn’t give up on them
·     Though they may fear ending up on the outside, Jesus keeps inviting them in, to learn and grow
o  He tends the soil of their hearts and their lives so that they can receive the seed of God’s word
o  And it grows and grows within them –
o  Producing an abundant harvest that exceeds expectations
o  Until they become not only soil, but sowers, entrusted with the work of sharing the gospel, scattering the seed of God’s word on all kinds of soil…
o  And the harvest keeps growing!

Jesus keeps inviting us in to listen
·     Even when we don’t get it
·     Even when we’re embarrassed to admit we don’t get it ;)
·     Even when we stubbornly refuse to see that maybe we don’t get it even when we think we absolutely do
·     Jesus keeps calling to us to walk with him, to listen to him, to learn from him
·     To have what they call a growth mindset – that understands that we don’t have to know everything
o  That mistakes are natural and normal and a sign of learning
o  To keep asking the questions, looking for deeper understanding
·     Trusting the sower who plants the seed in our hearts to tend to the soil, so that it can take root and grow, sending us to do the same
·     And what a harvest it will be!
·     Thanks be to God! Amen.

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