Wednesday, April 29, 2020

April 12, 2020 - Easter Sunday - Mark 16:1-8 - Jesus Invites Disciples Back to the Future

Jesus Invites Disciples Back to the Future
Easter Sunday – April 12, 2020

YouTube video of this sermon is here.
Our world is in a Holy Saturday moment.
·       A sabbath of sorts, though it doesn’t feel quite like we might envision sabbath to feel like
o   Sabbath as time of rest and renewal and reconnection
·       This pandemic-initiated sabbath feels perhaps more like the experience of the women we find in Mark’s gospel going to the tomb early Easter morning
o   Jesus dying Friday – taken from the cross in time to be laid in the tomb before sundown, when sabbath began
o   Sundown Friday – Sundown Saturday = sabbath
§  Sabbath law would have allowed them to go anoint Jesus’ body, but they did not have the spices they needed, and buying them was not allowed on the sabbath
§  So nothing they could do but wait

We have an extended sabbath
·       Not that no work is being done, of course – to the contrary! Many of us do not find this enforced time at home to be all that relaxing, as we try to do multiple “jobs” at the same time
·       But normal life is suspended as we wait at home for this time to pass until we can be “set free” in the wider world again
·       Much to do as we wait – but we wonder during this time
o   And fret, maybe, about what we will find on the other side when the stay-at-home orders are lifted
·       What will the world look like?
o   Will we find ourselves going to the tomb of what once was?
o   A way of life that, if it hasn’t died, has certainly shifted and changed
o   No going back to exactly the way it was, whatever normal we were accustomed to
o   This is a before & after kind of event that we’ll use to mark time

As Mary and Mary and Salome go, wondering and worrying about how they will get past the “very large” stone that sealed the entrance to the tomb
·       thinking that they will offer one last act of love and devotion for their beloved teacher and friend
·       and then close the chapter and move into a world forever changed
·       their expected future changes yet again, suddenly!
·       The stone is already rolled away!
o   Entering, they find, not a dead body, but a young man dressed in a white robe (Bible-speak for an angel), who starts with what they already know: “You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified”
o   But the next words are utterly unimaginable: “He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.”
·       And just like that – the women find themselves with a new job, a new and joyful (and terrifying) mission!
o   Not to prepare a body for its final rest – but instead, sent to share the amazing, incredible, nearly unbelievable good news that Jesus has been raised from the dead and invites his followers to follow him into a new future!
·       It’s not a surprise to me really that the women tear off into the morning terrified and amazed and too afraid to tell anyone, at least at first
o   b/c this is just too good to be true
·       and yet ultimately we know the women must have shared the story
o   realizing that Jesus has called them and the male disciples into a future they only could have dreamed and hoped for just a few days, a few moments! Before!

And as we wait here in our Holy Saturday world, we hear these words come to us too
·       you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here!
·       Go tell the world that he is going ahead of you – he will meet you, just as he said!

On this Easter morning, so unlike the ones we have so often known, Jesus is calling to us, inviting us to follow him into the future that he is creating
·       Though we may be anxious about the pandemic and the many effects it will have on our future, Jesus reminds us that he waits for us there, just as he walks with us now
Easter reminds us that Jesus has conquered death and the grave!
·       That goodness is stronger than evil
·       That light is more powerful than darkness
·       That love is stronger than anger and envy and hatred
·       And that life ultimately wins out over death!

As we live in this in-between time, we, like the women, are called to prepare
·       Not just to care for the bruised and broken (which we are certainly called to do)
·       But to hear and believe and share the good news that Jesus is risen – he is risen indeed!
·       And that changes everything.
Thanks be to God. Amen.

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