Friday, March 13, 2020

February 26, 2020 - Jesus Puts Disciples on the Same Team - Mark 9:30-37

Jesus Puts Disciples on the Same Team
Ash Wednesday – February 26, 2020
“Passion Prediction”

My 3rd grade teacher, Mr. J.
·     Classroom rules, w/ input from students
o  No favorites (for Mr. J to not have favorite students/teacher’s pets)
§  Important b/c he was very popular: young, new, energetic, fun, creative, handsome!
§  All in competition to be win his favor
·     President Teddy Roosevelt: “Comparison is the thief of joy”
o  True, even in 3rd grade, as I compared self to other students who seemed to be better liked by Mr. J.

Disciples in comparison/competition
·     Perhaps not quite vying to win the spot at Jesus’ favorite disciple
o  But arguing with each other as they walked along about who was the greatest
§  The greatest what?
o  Like HS yearbook photos? Most prayerful? Most likely to cast out demons? Best healer? Best preacher? Most improved disciple?
·     Trying to one-up each other in terms of status, respect, recognition; figuring out the pecking order
·     Even though Jesus has just now taught them again about what it means to follow him – that this road will lead to betrayal and execution
·     Saw someone today describe them as the “duh-sciples” because they just don’t get it!
·     They get it enough to know they shouldn’t be arguing about it: “they were silent” when Jesus asked them about it

We fall into the comparison/competition trap too
·     Society instills that in us at an early age
o  Ex.: Reading groups in 1st grade – by color, but everyone knew who the advanced readers were and the slow readers and the just-average readers…
·     At the grown-up level, plays out in position and privilege and pay scale
o  The most important are powerful, the rich and famous; worth tied up in work and achievement and recognition
o  Work world does not reward (financially anyway) those who care for and identify with the vulnerable: early childhood caregivers, CNAs, social workers, etc…)
o  And we want to win friends and influence people
o  To rank at the top of lists of best places to live, or best schools, etc;
o  If not to be the greatest, to at least have our skills and abilities and character and contribution to recognized - To stand out from the crowd!

Jesus Puts Disciples (and us) on the Same Team
·     Classmates comparing to each other to win affection; Mr. J. Liked us all
o  Playground game in winter: Oven (? don't remember if it had a name or what it was called)… everyone huddled up, the person in the middle to benefit from our communal warmth. We were in it together
·     Disciples think it is about comparison and competition
o  They forget that Jesus has put them on the same team!
§  This walk of discipleship is not about individual achievement; It’s about working together to bring God’s kingdom here on earth
o  It’s about using their gifts – as different and varied as they are to change the world, to do the work of the gospel, to live out God’s vision and plan for the world
·     And Jesus says, that means not having favorites – but seeking out and welcoming children, all who are vulnerable and lower-status in the world’s eyes
·     Jesus puts us all on Team Servant – that what following Jesus looks like: servant leadership that isn’t comparing or competing – unless it is to race to outdo each other in love toward those in need

And on Ash Wednesday, we are reminded that Jesus has leveled the playing field.
·     We are all vulnerable
·     We are all mortal
·     We are all in need of compassion and mercy and grace and love
·     And the cross that will be traced in ash on our foreheads marks as being on the same team, sent out in the world to welcome the least of these, knowing that in the eyes of Jesus we are all one
·     And finding our joy, not in comparing, but in using our different gifts and talents to work together for the blessing and redemption of the world – even us. Amen.

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