Sunday, March 15, 2020

March 8, 2020 - Jesus Gives Followers What They Need - Mark 10:32-52

Jesus Gives Followers What They Need
Lent 2 – March 8, 2020
“Jesus Came to Serve”

Brother-in-law in recent conversation with my Mother-in-law reminded her of what she and Father-in-law always told him & brothers growing up:
·     We don’t always give you want you want; we give you what you need.
·     We don’t always recognize that there’s a difference between what we want and what we need

James and John want Jesus to do for them whatever they ask of him
·     Can you imagine? Blank check! Like the YouTube challenge kids try to get their parents to go along with: the “Can’t say no for 24 hours challenge” ha!
·     Jesus plays along: What do you want me to do for you?
o  “Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.”
·     Oh my goodness. This is on the way to Jerusalem, and Jesus has just told them for the 3rd time what is going to happen to him there: He is on a collision course with death.
o  he will be handed over to the religious leaders; condemned; handed over to the Gentiles – then mocked, spit on, flogged, then finally killed… and after 3 days he will rise again
o  Are they not listening? Do they think that Jesus is referring to someone else when he talks about the Son of Man?
·     Still caught up in the vision of Jesus as the conquering hero; stuck in their understanding of the power structures of the world – and when Jesus enters his glory, they want in on that
o  Don’t always think of these uneducated fishermen as men with privilege: not wealthy, no real social status
o  But they do have a privileged position with Jesus – in the inner circle: Peter, James, and John – go with Jesus to see him raise the 12-year-old girl from her deathbed; P, J, & J go with Jesus up the mountain and see him transfigured; in the garden of Gethsemane, they are the 3 Jesus asks to come with him when he is in anguish over all that is to come
o  But that’s not enough! They want more!
o  They want the seats of influence when the promised messiah takes his rightful place on the throne
o  Duh-sciples indeed!
·     Power and privilege is what they want, but it’s not what they need

People with power and privilege often can’t see it and want more of the same…
·     Yesterday’s “Road to Freedom” event with Waukesha County Historical Society and Museum Exec Director (Bonnie Byrd) reminded me of that reality
·     Background and history of slavery in this country – the legacy that continues into this time
o  Federal laws – fugitive slave acts getting increasingly tighter; always legal to seek runaway slaves, but not always required for other states to help in the search until 1850 (I believe)
·     People with power, enough $ to own other people as slaves and wanted to deny them the right to live as free people
·     And I couldn’t help but think of the man formerly known as “Blind Bartimaeus” in the gospel – the man who hears that Jesus is coming and begins to shout out for Jesus, Son of David, to have mercy on him
o  And the people shush him, order him to be quiet
o  But he can’t, because he desperately needs (not just wants, but needs) what only Jesus can do
·     And despite the efforts of the crowd to shut Bartimaeus up, Jesus hears him and stands still.
o  “Call him here”
o  And Bartimaeus springs up and comes!
·     Jesus asks him the same question he asked James and John: “What do you want me to do for you?”
o  “My teacher, let me see again.”
·     What a contrast between the Sons of Zebedee and Bartimaeus! James and John = position/influence; Baritmaeus = mercy, healing, sight
·     Desire of slaveholders and many others to shush their slaves who were crying out from injustice, longing to be set free
·     The ways that we so often do that in our world today – not recognizing the power and privilege and position that we have (even though others may have much more – but we are often blind to what we do have, like James and John)
o  And in many ways, made uncomfortable by those who are sitting by the side of the road crying out for mercy, for justice, we’d kind of like them to quiet down and go away
o  Feeling guilty or threatened or angered by those who call us to recognize their humanity and their need
§  Racism; sexism; homophobia; transphobia (that’s a newer one by me, one I’m learning more about); Immigrants (illegal or otherwise); people of obviously different religious backgrounds and beliefs
o  All of whom are God’s beloved children, created in God’s image
·     Whoo boy, all of that makes us uncomfortable! It makes me uncomfortable – and yet I know that Jesus calls us to be different in the world

Because Jesus doesn’t give the disciples what they want – he gives them what they need.
·     James and John misunderstand what Jesus is about
·     And so Jesus calls all 12 disciples together (because the other 10 are not too happy to find out James and John asked to be at the right and left hand first!)
·     He reminds them about the way of the world: “You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them and their great ones are tyrants over them.
·     “But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all.”
·     “For the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
·     This is the type of leader they are following. Not what they are used to from the Empire, where leaders rule with cruelty and power
o  But a leader who serves; one who is willing to give up his life to buy back the many – so that they may be FREE!
·     Blind Bartimaeus “saw” better than any of those disciples that day – because he asked for what he needed: mercy. Sight. And he begins to follow Jesus on the way (code for becoming a believer, a follower, a Christian)

Jesus gives us, not what we want, but what we need.
·     Because so often what we think we want is skewed by the lies and illusions of the world that seek to convince us that what we want can be found in power and privilege and control; by buying into the systems and structures of the world that elevates some at the expense of others
·     What we get from Jesus instead is a ransomed life – he gives us our lives back so that we may then go and serve others
o  Recognizing that he has set us free, restored our sight – we now follow him on the way that works to bring that freedom and mercy to others
·     It’s not an easy road, this road that leads to Jerusalem and the cross – but it’ll lead us to new life in the end. And that is what we truly need.
·     Thanks be to God!
·     Amen.

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